July 17, 2009

Fine Tuning...

Nordys Gallery, now closed

A year and a few months ago my local gallery closed it's doors after 7-8 years on the scene. They opened just as we moved to this area and had contacted me even before they knew I'd be a 'local'. It was a terrific space, large and lofty, perfect for exhibiting contemporary art. We honed a great relationship, I had several shows and sales were good. Personal reasons more than the economy necessitated the closing... I understood.

I contacted another prominent gallery in town and was invited to join. Sales started popping and things were looking good... and then the bottom fell out of the economy and you know the rest of the story. I've no doubt that on recovery, this gallery will be as strong as ever... but I've chosen to move on... I hope, with no hard feelings.

The first gallery so spoiled me with their contemporary setting... this second gallery had plenty of space but it was very traditional in feel... and I didn't think my work felt at home. There were other considerations but mainly... the arrangement just wasn't a good fit for them or for me.

Matt Jones Gallery

So... I approached another and will soon be represented by the Matt Jones Gallery. The visual arts in our city suffer from lack luster support and there is little cooperation between the galleries to promote themselves as a group. MJG is new in town and probably without the ties that most depend on... but they seem to be innovative and I love what they've done with their old warehouse space which replaced another gallery in this location. They gave it a completely new, contemporary look... the ambiance I feel best suits my work and challenges me to fit even better.

So... there are other options, other regional cities that might be better prospects but I can't imagine not having local representation. And here's to making that work...
. . .


Anonymous said...

The new gallery looks very exciting - I hope it goes well for them, and you.

Annie B said...

Matt Jones Gallery space is very striking! Wishing you and them much success.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fantastic space, Karen. Go for it...and new gallery and maybe soon things will perk up. (I HOPE).

p said...

WOW i'm drooling over the 2nd photo...lucky you! (i know it isn't luck it is a lifetime of hard work)
hope the freshness of it revives the staleness of the last 2 yrs of art sales!

Karen Jacobs said...

I'll take the 'lucky you' comment and wonder what would have happened if I hadn't depended so much on luck and worked harder at marketing. Once you get some decent wall space things do get easier, but I've been too easily satisfied and depended on just letting things happen. *In my time* there was no 'social networking' other than hitting the sidewalk and making personal contacts. I still balk at formal submissions to galleries and hope they'll just look at my website and respond. Sigh...

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

Hang in there...trust your work and your soul's guidance. Galleries may come and go...I know but your are the real key here in the dialogue with your viewers. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen

Karen Jacobs said...

Good advice, Mary Helen! Thanks...

Joanie Gagnon San Chirico said...

I miss Nancy, but that new gallery looks fantastic!

Wishing you the best of luck!

Recruitment said...

This gallery has a lot of very interesting art. I’m sure many people will flock here once they get to see the arts!