So here you have 'old faithful'... my brand, so to speak. It has served me well, I even carried the bit of a theme over to this blog. In order to make that vertical red line, you gotta be able to construct and destruct tables... and I figured that part out all by myself... back when my mind could do a bit of HTML gymnastic code.
And now introducing... still in pre-pre-beta mode:

Gotta say, the screen shot doesn't do it justice... the header can hardly be read here... sorta makes me like the old version even better. But, hey! I can change templates and go white again if I want... every day I learn new tricks so maybe my old theme can eventually be reincarnated... this is not a done deal... shucks, I haven't even bought the
Sandvox program yet!
I have uncovered a program I wish I could get my head around... anyone out there know about
KompoZer? It's open source
(as in FREE!) and has morphed through several versions over the years... it's great grandpa was my BFF, Netscape Composer! I'd love to give it a whirl but might have to dig my hermit hole a bit deeper and I'm already getting strange looks around here. Maybe later.
If any of you political junkies are having trouble getting past the elections... try finding a new technical hoop to jump through... or several, even...
Forgot to mention that clicking on the screen shot gives a better look-see. Though the red print still doesn't look right in the screen shot.
Hi Karen -- I don't know if you've checked out the forums at wetcanvas.com
I just went there and did a search for kompozer in the forums and there are a lot of threads. I haven't read them myself yet but there are knowledgeable people there.
Good to hear from you again, Nikole... thanks for the tip, didn't think to look there for info but I bet it's a great source!
Looks great, Karen! Glad to hear I'm not alone in my withdrawal pain. So my solution was to buy a little camcorder and am now trying to figure out video production. Hah!
Got to have a little drama in our lives, right? There's good drama and bad... steep learning curves are the good kind... I keep telling myself.
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