I'm still in FB learning mode. Maybe I should add another page to my Learning Notebook... the spiral a g-kid left behind that I use as a gathering place for all my learning curves. The front cover has a glamor shot of the Cheetah Girls... hope the vibes aren't contradictory! Or maybe the Learning Gods will mistake me as one with a young, absorbant mind/memory and allow all those Mac/ Sanvox/ iPhoto/ Graphic Converter/ Gimp/ HTML/ Networking/ iPhone/ iWork/ to-do notes to sink in and take hold. Maybe I should take smaller bites? Maybe Facebook is a place to relax and enjoy in snatches while the serious, useful knowledge takes root upstairs. Sure... that's it!
And as I write this, the timer on my iPhone goes off... set it to ring 30 minutes... then I must get up and do something else... at least a fast walk around the house or yard if not something more productive. You see... all this recent "Learning Business" is done in sit-down mode... not a good thing for joints and muscles of any age, much less... well, you know...

Karen, I thought Facebook was incredibly dumb at first, but now I am a convert. You can be as involved as you want or not. And it's a great way to just be social with all kinds of different friends, I have enjoyed finding old friends there too. Just wish more folks from my past would be on it.
Too many Karen Jacobs to figure out which one is you, so find me and I'll be your best friend forever:)))
Anyone interested in an invite needs to contact me with their email addy and I'll send one out. Unless I'm told of a better way to deal with this social proceedure. If looking for me, add Birmingham AL to my name... there seem to be at least 140 of my namesakes on Facebook... yes, I counted!
What a beautifully idea. Love your execution of it.
Cirque 1 is wonderful. Love the contrast of the red.
Thanks for your positive responses to the Cirque idea, Brendai and Seth... I hope to do more variations.
I've just discovered your blog, which I'm enjoying, as well as your website. I really like your work and am particularly fascinated with the 'bokusho' work as I've recently become interested in haiku and working with it in relation to my artwork. Your work is inspiring!
I also have an extensive background in computers (20+ years in software) so have a lot of empathy for your explorations of databases, online social networking, etc. I don't run across too many painters who have immersed themselves in that much technology! Good luck!
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