February 08, 2006

Slight Progress

No, not exactly the same, there is progress being made here on all four lower paintings. The big one on the right is about ready for detention time in the hallway, the other three show signs of promise.

Was on the net all day yesterday, vast amount of info out there, but there must be a better way to organize it! Trying to coordinate details to have Lauren visit me in South France in April. Minor glitches to be worked out, great opportunity for her to see a part of Europe she will otherwise miss... besides, I have a feeling she needs to touch base with a part of home and I want to be there for her. A year is a long time to see no one from home. But she's being very mature about it and making the most of her adventure.

Today is lunch with the youngest g-kid at her school... Monday's lunch with her sister was fun and it's great to be able to be special in their lives at times like this.

1 comment:

Joyce said...

I must tell you that I used your pegboard idea in my studio. I put up two large pieces and am waiting for the third to be put up. They certainly do the trick better than putting dozens of nails in the wall!

Thanks for the idea.