May 07, 2010

Studio on Wheels...

So there I was... trying my best to be a plein air painter and not doing a very good job of it. Wanted to give Miss Prius a chance to share in the responsibility as I'd seen this work for others and thought it a neat (read: easy) approach to painting outdoors. And it was all that, but don't expect to see charming little w/c's from this effort... unless I do something miraculous with the photos back in the real studio! I have untold new respect for the plein air genre and all the artists and their beautiful paintings that capture the wonders of nature before them! Point of fact: I've tried outdoor painting a number of times and have never made it work for me, not even in my own backyard. I don't expect much different this time but I'm enjoying!

Actually, much of my problem had to do with too much socializing and not enough attention to the goal at hand... but hey! it was a fantastic day and lots to talk about. Just being there was good mo-j0!
Lake Nicol was a delight... nearly deserted, no homes lining the shores, only a couple of fishermen sans motorboats... a perfect day in a perfect place. This little extension includes a new pavilion with constant shade and gentle breeze. Next time I'll spend more time out there as the water views are 360 degrees. Very glad to have met up with this group of painters and am enjoying the ride ;) The paintings will come...


Cathy Hegman said...

I have never done well on the plein air trips myself. I think it is almost too inspiring for me and makes me want to just sit and soak it up rather than deal with painting it etc....the goodie, for me about plein air trips is that it comes when you get back to your studio and all the beauty of nature just pours out in all your paintings for awhile. And then you have to go outside again and refill the well. Enjoyed the blog and Miss Prius is handling the art life well! :) Take care

Anonymous said...

Same for me Cathy.....just soak it up and it will come in the paintings that follow.

Nancy Natale said...

What a beautiful site! I would have been looking instead of painting. I think plein air is highly over rated unless you know how to deal with bugs, wind, sun, rain, assorted pestilences. The studio is a great place to paint!

Karen Jacobs said...

Agreed, many distractions and even when those aren't present, too nice to focus on painting ;) But enjoying getting out and about...

Wintergreen said...

I tried plein air painting for the first time this week, in my own yard. Disaster: the wind blew pine needles and other assorted flotsam onto my palette, black flies kept colliding with the canvas where they stuck to the wet paint, several brief thunderstorms had me carting my gear in and out of the garden shed, and finally the canvas landed on the ground with the water pot on top of it. But something about the experience made me want to try it again...

Digital camcorders said...

Beautiful photos!The place looks really wonderful. Thanks for sharing!