Woke up this morning with a poem/ode trying to force itself into my conciousness... don't worry, I won't try to recreate it here, or at least not now... not sure it's possible to retrieve anyway but seems there's something that needs to be said so I should probably give it some attention. These poetic overtures only surface once or twice a decade and the process seems to be worthwhile, a strictly personal benefit, but worthwhile none the less.

Speaking of 'every so often,' I scrolled down through recent posts (recent?) and realized I'm on a monthly entry of late and I will be out of step if I don't hurry and get Dec's entry posted. I'll use this opportunity (deadline? excuse?) to tackle a project that needs to be documented... posterity wouldn't be the same without, you understand... okay, give me some slack ;)

Back when I took up screen printing... um, that would be mid 70's... a side project was the creation of an annual Christmas card which I designed and printed for about ten or so years. When I quit serigraphy as an art medium, I quit the whole process so the original cards ceased. I haven't really enjoyed the ritual of mailing out cards since... store cards seemed so banal, even with the typed page of family updates that were a standard enclosure all the years there was much to talk about (like where are we stationed now and what are the kids up to?) I figure this blog serves the purpose these days... for better or for worse, it's here for the taking.

So reacquainted myself with the scanner, cranked it up and here are most of my old cards... sometimes the design wraps to the back, none were ever marketed, they were strictly for our own use. Still have a few leftovers which I use for family gift enclosures, and even those are down to the ones where ink smeared or had some sort of imperfection... I always kind of liked imperfections...
Those are lovely, Karen! I made my own some years ago and then Bert would do a painting and we'd have it printed, but since he died I haven't sent out one card! Somehow, that killed my urge to do them. I really like the bow and the candy cane!
Wish I had the urge on this cold, rainy, drab day!
i like em too!
I love them especially the bird with the bow!!! Those are great...I don't send cards but I wish I did...used to send the ones with my kids on them (always looking miserable to have to sit for a Christmas pic)...should think about doing them again...nah...memories are much better! I agree the blog is all anyone needs to know about what I am up to! Take care and Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!
Beginning to think there are more who don't send than do... I don't feel so out of step! BTW, the egret with bow was done right after our move to NOLA... I love those white beauties out in the swamp, which surrounded us. Seemed appropriate ;)
They look great, Karen. I no longer send cards except for the occasional one send impulsively.
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