July 14, 2009

Blogging FB...

Five bokushos in progress... goal was white paintings but they have minds of their own.
The little landscapes along the top are leftovers from Colony...

Here's a blog link about one artist's discovery of Facebook... explains a lot ;)

I'm guilty... I've neglected this blog as well as reading many others that I really enjoy. FB does make staying in touch much easier and quicker... a short status update can often say as much as an entire blog post. There are times, however, when it doesn't... and the need to explore, untie the knots, really understand what I'm trying to sort out, can only be done by blogging.

So don't think I'm going away, this is too therapeutic to toss to the wind... plus it's my diary. Personal FB thoughts are lost after a page or two of status updates... probably still there but not searchable or neatly labeled (not that I label these posts anymore... I figure the Google blog search will find what I look for.)

Truth be told, I'm not certain that I have many goals left to track... I really thought with the economic turn-down that I'd quietly withdraw from the commercial scene and begin folding my studio tent... maybe retire to a hobby of sketching and watercolors. I still think this is a good plan... focus on setting records straight and maybe print out a book or two to pass down in the family... but basically, move on. Seems there's still a bit of momentum left in the career, however, and a new possibility sends me scurrying to see what I can catch... I'm as competitive as ever. Drat!


Annette Bush said...

Glad to see both you and Robin with an blog update this week. I know what you mean. Facebook is doesn't meet my needs and I have too many empty blog days.

Annette . . . looking for a balance, too

p said...

well you know i love your bokushos karen...and just looking at this picture makes me drool. the whole room seems alive!!!!! ..funny those paintings up on the top right at first glance i thought you had high windows, they really make an opening in the room...interesting.
anyhow i'm glad to have made fb entryway, i think it is a great little support system as an artist at least!
thx for the link :)

Anonymous said...

Good for you....I was worried about all those 'withdrawal' comments.

Karen Jacobs said...

I miss your blog entries... you have a talent (and I think a need) to write and are especially good at observing what we often overlook.

Olga Norris said...

It is always a pleasure to see an artist's studio. This view is an exciting one too. I'm peering at everything, and am delighted - but especially drawn to and curious about the painting up in the corner - does it have graphite on it too?

Karen Jacobs said...

Olga, those are 18"sq oils on panel. The darkest one is oil over an old encaustic. I'm giving them lots of drying time to see how the behave. Unfortunately, they'll have to be framed before they are called finished.

Suzanne Ally said...

Oh Karen, I wish we lived in the same town. I LOVE this studio shot. It is so fresh. All your reorganizing looks great! xo deerly

Lynne Taetzsch said...


I am still blogging 4 or 5 times a week, but having a harder time figuring out what to do with Facebook. I post there, but it seems harder to navigate for me.

Re: economy. It just gives us more time to paint whatever we want to, and to be more relaxed in general (as long as we have food to put on the table).


Martha Marshall said...

I will hold this picture in my mind as I create my new studio!

Do artists ever fold their tents and retire? I think not.

Karen Jacobs said...

Lynne, the relaxing part sounds good, but then I just paint endlessly on the same pieces... no direction or reason to reach a finished line.

No, Martha... not retire, but less pressure to produce... ummm... I'm going in circles here! I think I have a directional problem. I want more, I want less... when I have one, I want the other. Sorta like the terrible twos syndrome. That's not a sign of dementia, is it???