March 08, 2009

Guessing Game...

Lake Lights

It's a confusing time, isn't it? Who's to say what's going to happen next, how long it will take for the country to get back on an even keel, what will happen to our careers in the meantime... and do we just tread water or make a break for for a new horizon.

My situation is such that I don't need art money to pay living expenses. Actually, art sales do give me a 'living wage'... have for the last dozen or so years. I see it slipping a bit, but it's maintaining a healthier level than I'd ever imagined. My husband has retired from two careers and though we are far from wealthy, we've lived comfortably... but also frugally. We've lost money in this downturn like everyone else but we'll be okay. My income is mostly set aside to help with g-kids college expenses (I call it Grammie's Art Scholarship, though they can study anything they want) or unexpected needs that occur.

So when the economy began it's spiral, I figured I'd better start using up my art supplies because my own retirement was eminent. As it happens, maybe it's best to not try to out-guess fate. Both Jan and Feb have seen good things happen so my immediate thoughts are to replenish inventory. There are still a few things I'd like to do, a few dreams to chase. I don't want to shut the door on the possibility that maybe the media doesn't know everything... maybe there's more good news out there than they are interested in reporting. I have terrific faith in our President. These things aren't fixed with a finger snap... but they will be fixed and I want to be part of the celebration!

That said... there is nothing like spring to perk you up. Unfortunately, spring can also be a terrible distraction! I'm loving this wonderful weather, all the early flowers are doing their dance. Just can't get enough of it! If it hasn't happend to you yet, it will soon...


Anonymous said...

I agree - a solution is possible, so why not be part of it? Watching from the other side of the world, I want to join your new President when he says "yes we can" because I believe him, and believe in him.
And I love the idea of Grandma scholarships - after all, grandkids are what the future is built on.

Karen Jacobs said...

Appreciate your comments, I think an optimistic attitude is the best weapon and just can't listen to the dooms-dayers on TV, etc. Yes... we must build on the future and that's our kids and g-kids. Best investment!