February 27, 2009

2009 - Lunar 1, 2 & 3 - 36x12@ - mixed media

New additions to the sidebar are links to my Facebook and Twitter locations. I'm getting the hang of FB... sort of an abbreviated version of blogging, a little less formal... and a bit more trivial. Twittering, I don't know... but it's being talked about all over the place and I hate to be left out without knowing what I'm missing. Seems a bit, um, interuptive... and I'm not sure where it fits into the scheme of things. I'm willing to take a look and see if there's any magic there. With Spring on the horizon and more time aimed at the lake house, where we don't have an internet connection, my iPhone is my friend. FB and Twitter might be just right to feed my computing needs.

That said, I have yet to figure out posting to the blog via iPhone... my mind is bubbling over, maybe later...


Tracy Helgeson said...

Hi Karen, I am really enjoying Facebook. I like the trivial chatter, the family photos and the art that many of us post. Twitter, i don't really get, surprisingly I don't like to tell every one every thing about every minute of my day. Plus I can't even imagine that I could be that interesting, having blog readers and fb friends is shocking enough. But I didn't really get fb at first either so who know, I might be shouting over the twitter airwaves within months. Well, it probably airwaves, but whatever:)

I am impressed that you have an iPhone and have even considering posting from it. I am lucky if I can even find my cell phone let alone get it turned on half the time.

Karen Jacobs said...

I agree about FB... a comfy, informal corner, I plan to get more into the photo aspect, it's on my list. I wanted to get set up with Twitter just in case it might be easier to use/follow when at the lake this summer. I was able to post to FB with pics last trip out... I need a lot more practice than most, believe me! Seems I forgot to title this blog post, another gotcha moment...

Annette Bush said...

HaHaHa, I made a quick little Animoto video a la Martha on my Phone this morning! It's the only thing I've done in a couple of weeks so I'm not too proud! It's just too cool! You should try it, Karen. Search for the Animoto App.

Anonymous said...

I haven't signed up with Twitter....too many new things to add to my time at the computer. I'm bad enough as it is.

Nice work, Karen...is this work on paper or mounted to canvas?

Olga Norris said...

I love this piece. After a weekend of dramatic gestural waxing and dyeing on newspaper and newsprint, this calm - serene - composition is contemplative yet dynamic.

I'm feeling really old fashioned with my old blogger design with hardly any frills - and I don't know where folks find the time to chatter to the world! I must say that I find the idea of Facebook quite appalling: that so many folks should know so much about me.

However, I am grateful indeed for blogging.

Karen Jacobs said...

Annette... thanks for the tip. I made a short clip of six pics of a g-kid playing ping pong... it was terrific! Must take more pics with this in mind.

Cheryl and Olga, glad you like the newest in the moon series. It's more of the ink on ricepaper (bokushos). Annette will remember the old french book I bought in the book village, I've been using the yellowed pages in collage... that's the edging in this case.

As for twittering... I just want to see how long I can keep up. It's a poor substitute for real life, but an artist's life can become solitary. When we moved here in 2001 I was really pushing the career and didn't make the kind of social connections I'd always had... and now I miss that.