December 19, 2008

All I Want For Xmas Is....

As my family is painfully aware, December is not my favorite month. I won't go into detail as to reasons why. However, I had a delightful experience this afternoon that brought a little warmth to my icy disposition. I was dutifully taking a couple of g-kids to do their gift shopping and the dreaded question of "what do YOU want for Xmas?" arose. I gave my usual I have all I need... I'd rather you give something to someone who doesn't have enough.

So we went through the check out line with the oldest in charge of the cash... after the transaction she grinned and said "I really liked that... it's like being an adult!" I told her to put her money away before someone snatched it... there are people who would do that! (Bah humbug!)

We passed a red kettle at the door and she stopped and started cramming money into it as my eyes widened, realizing what she was doing... "Stop! That's enough!" as I saw one of the bills was a $5" and then I turned to the bell ringer and explained that was what I'd asked for for Xmas... that was my present ;-) The volunteer laughed big and wide, showing off her silver tongue jewlery... guess it was pretty funny...

... can't ask for more...


Anonymous said...

toys for tots is really behind this year in donations...a good Christmas charity.

Linda S

Karen Jacobs said...
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Karen Jacobs said...

Anything for needy kids tops the list!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful art work.