September 06, 2008

So OUT Of It!

2008 - Gobi 4 - 24x48
(a repaint)

Lisa may be a good one to pay attention to, I tell myself... I certainly can't keep up with all the social outlets that we are expected to maintain and she's checking out the whole scene as office homework. Man! I just learned to text, 4 cryn out loud! Thanks, Lisa... will be paying close attention to what's good to know about out there.

A number of friends (and a son) have sent me invites to LinkedIn and I feel terrible that I haven't sent a proper tk-u or RSVPed in the appropriate way. Uh... guess a long list of "friends" is important to the scorekeeping aspect, or maybe wine is being served and a guestimate of who is attending is important. I keep checking it out, hating to miss out on something big... but all I see is a long list of people with my name but in varying occupations... and little to entice me to understand the benefits. Like... what's wrong with Google? I'm quite sure I'm too old for MySpace and/or FaceBook... thankfully! I suppose it's a more 'adult' (in the best way) place to tell all... um, what's wrong with blogs and websites?

Okay, I'll admit... I'm a bit slower than years past... and the web challenge is much denser these days. Someone please let me know what's absolutely necessary to keep up and not just another way to lose an hour or so each day... don't have enough of those to squander... and paint too! Should I Twitter? I'm still trying to master podcasts, y'know. I collect them but forget to listen... I need to take a remote cruise just to catch up!

Speaking of podcasts, I must invest in a car speaker for my iPhone... drove to Atlanta yesterday and there's a stretch where NPR is out of reach and only Rush and his buddies reign supreme... in the name of balance, I listened in for as long as I could stomach it, wishing for a way to listen to my podcast collection (I prefer the spoken word to random music.)

Oh, the gallery trip... just about traded out the entire inventory... they kept a few favs but now most of my work there is new stuff. Only a request for one big diptych for the big front wall... I can do that!

Anyone knowing anything about the Charlotte art scene please let me know... I'd rather have new representation in Nashville (closer) but am a sucker for those who seek me out, as I'm too lazy to go seeking myself. I'm having second thoughts about cutting back on gallery representation... maybe it's best to stay on edge and needing new work, rather than have too much inventory sitting around and nowhere to go.

Speaking of which... those paintings aren't going to unpack themselves! Will be entertaining to visit with them again... check over for bump and dent boo-boos, determine which need to be repainted and which might move on down the road to new wall space.


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo.............I can empathize with just about everything you posted here. Other than podcasts, which I've also subscribed to and forgotten to check on...I prefer music to paint by.
The computer/internet and other life forms can be a devil or an angel but whatever it is, it's a big part of my life now that is hard to lose.

p said...

maybe I am missing something, but it feels like all of those sites are just watered down/ more sophisticated myspaces. am i wrong? Are those sites really doing something other than sending out irritating emails inviting you to read this/see this/comment on this/join this/ invite and decline and basically just fill up your inbox?
am I not a networker? what are those sites going to do...get us gallery representation? buyers?
yeah its a network and it's lots of people with like minds and interests...I still think you learn more from a blog. I might catch up to it but I have joined a handful of places and find it sterile.

I still keep my eyes peeled and join and try and then delete my account. Haven't found one that is for me I guess.

Karen Jacobs said...

Cheryl, I do listen to a wide variety of music and have it all loaded on my iphone, no way to listen to it as I drive just yet... but audio books or someone talking to me about interesting stuff helps driving time pass more quickly than music... different strokes...

Paula... interesting article in NYTimes on this subject today:

Olga Norris said...

I find that life flies past so fast these days that I'm spending far less time even with blogs, let alone learning about other manifestations. I enjoy the blogs and meandering through websites from time to time, and I love my podcasts. But that's enough just now I think - and sometimes it's too much.

I absolutely love Gobi 4 - so evocative of landscape, contented open gazing, curiosity drawn to horizons, asking questions, provoking thoughts. Love the colours, lines, shapes. Your work gives me great pleasure even in lilliputian representation.

Karen Jacobs said...

Thanks for your comments on Gobi 4, Olga... it seems to be forever a work in progress. Nice to know someone considers it complete ;-)

I would be happy if the Internet AND my g-kids would just stay as they are and not require my learning new programs and new ages... I like everything as it is now! But what chance do I have of making that happen?

Lisa Call said...

I'm not sure if the value of the social networking sites has yet been uncovered - as they mature with greater functionality I think we'll see a greater usefulness of the media.

I do believe they will only get bigger and more important in the way we communicate. Social media is definitely on the rise. While it's easy to dismiss as the value isn't yet obvious, I'm trying to take a more open minded approach - testing it out - seeing what it has to offer.

The trick is to not spend huge amounts of time into something when the returns are currently questionable. The 80/20 rule - I need to focus my time on the 20 percent of activities that will yield 80 percent of the result.

Some day will that be social media? Maybe.

Right now, it's blogging for me (at least for online activities).

[thanks for the mention!]

Karen Jacobs said...

Oh, I do believe that social networking is the future... but I also believe that I've ridden this horse about as far as it will carry me and I must curtail the adventure in order to continue to enjoy, indeed, benefit from it.

Read a personal review of someone using Twitter and how, over time, they became converted, even addicted to the way they were able to pick up on the rhythm of their friends lives over a period of time. Yeah, I don't even want to know the rhythm of my kids and g-kids lives... some things are best left covered. Still, if I was ten years younger...