September 27, 2008

Not Me...

Google Alerts does it again... makes me sit up and take notice when the search for my name comes up with yet another interesting alter-life. Pictures of eyes placed where they don't belong has always given me shudders, but I like that I'm associated with words like "Literary Modernism And Visual Culture." WooHoo!

High anticipation going into the debate last night, but Prime Time is not MY prime time and I probably missed a lot of the nuances. BUT... easy enough to catch up on all that via cable news, internet articles and assorted blogs. I, btw, make a point of watching both sides of the contest... MSNBC gets the most air time but CNN and FoxNews are right in there... Fox for only as long as I can stand it, I'm really good at remote channeling. Personally, I think it was win-win for both candidates.

Now to get through this crucial weekend in Washington... then on to the VP debates. Another shudder when I think of Gov Palin in a position to assend to the Presidency... she needs to withdraw and be replaced RIGHT NOW, this is too serious to take a chance. Talk about poor judgement... and I don't mean hers!

Oh dear... Paul Newman is gone... he can never be replaced, a true legend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Karen-I am one of your regular readers..I discovered you years ago when your studio over the garage was posted by Nita Leland. You were doing the wax works..I just wanted to say that I wish we actually knew each other..Your art, your humor, your politics..all are so fun. Just wanted to let you know that I am inspired by your musings. Thank you from Arizona...