August 18, 2008

Confident Color...

2007 - Bokusho-Kuro (Black) - 36x36

It's getting close to time for Nita Leland's latest book, Confident Color: An Artist's Guide to Harmony, Contrast and Unity, to hit the bookshelves. I will be represented with the image above... haven't see it yet so I don't know the context but since it's primarily a black and white painting, I suspect it will be an example of the counter use of color. A website called Art To Art Palette has started putting together a bit about the book and little interviews with artists who are featured. Mine is one of the few up at this point, scroll down the page to read.

This will also mark the second of Leland's books to feature paintings by Cheryl McClure on the front cover. Congrats, Cheryl... proud of ya!

Don't know why it tickles me, but also represented is Skip Lawrence... who played an early and very important role in teaching me what I needed to know about making art at a time I was very anxious to learn. Nita's early book, the first printing of The Creative Artist, (since been updated) took up the slack a little later when I was searching for something more that detailed realism.

So... thank you Nita... anxious to see the book... I know it will be another winner!


Karen Jacobs said...

Correction... next to last sentence: Something more THAN detailed realism. (I sure wasn't trying to tighten up even more!)

Anonymous said...

Taking a few minutes to read a few blogs this morning. Happy that I caught this one between hauling stuff from one house to another.

Can't wait to see the book...what fun....hum and now I need to write something for the Art To Art Palette

Anonymous said...

Dear Karen,

Confucius {c.550-c.478c}said: "In all things, success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure."

It is quite obvious to me as I view "Bokusho Go Ruden" I can see your hands shaping every stroke, stretching the paint to a very thin porcelain fineness of light as you apply the colors of grandeur.

On behalf of the Art-to-Art Palette, your comments and participation in the celebration of "Confident Color" soon-to-be arrival speak with humble honesty.

Kind Regards,


Karen Jacobs said...

Very nice of you to comment, Ben... I appreciate your thoughts very much.

Seth said...

Speaking of color...I love the limited color palette of this piece!

Annie B said...

Color used sparingly as you do in your Bokusho work is all the more startling and strong. I could learn a thing or two about that! I totally get why Nita included your work in this book. Congrats!

Karen Jacobs said...

Ah, yes... the 'less is more' concept lives! Hard to remember, at times...