August 06, 2008

tngs 2 b concerned about...

2008 - Intervals - 48x60

It occurs to me that in spite of feeling pretty damn good for an old crone, taking no meds (zippo!) and, in certain light and with the right mirrors, looking not much different than a decade ago (I've got really great mirrors if I work them right!) Likely my eyes are seeing more of the past than the present but as long as they still work... (Camera's, BTW, cannot be relied on to see things as I see them.) I am concerned about a few noticeable traits that may or may not be part of the aging process (yuck word!)

It's not about misplacing car keys or coffee cups (three a day, sometimes) but nuances like distaste for telephone chatting (I was once very good in this department!) Now I can hardly make myself call for a dentist appointment. Crowds are the worst... they give me a serious case of nervous jitters. Maybe that's why the emphasis on family, lakehouse, traveling friends who stop to visit on MY turf.

But since this blog is supposed to be art-centric, how is this revelation affecting my art career? Personally, I think my work is as good as it's ever been (a private moi poll sez so.) Having achieved decent career goals, I simply don't work as hard at continuing the momentum. Case in point, the recent resigning from a productive gallery just to lessen the number of balls juggling in the air.

Goal setting has left the premises and motivation isn't far behind. I've become a part time studio artist... like, maybe a couple of hours two or three times a week. Maybe it's just summer, the distraction of politics, the world crisis of the day, plus the focus on family rather than studio. Things do crank up when deadlines loom, but I'm sort of concerned that not enough overall time is being spent at least THINKING about art making. At least I did wrap up one painting recently (above)... others are in the wings awaiting executive decisions so they might also be called finished. I'll try to do better... (she promised herself...)


Karen Jacobs said...

ummm... a promise to myself might be interpreted as a goal, no? I'll make allowances...

Anonymous said...

Yes, be careful about those promises to yourself.

Don't worry about the motivation. Things will crank up soon enough when it's time to get ready for these upcoming shows and stuff.

Seth said...

Judging by the painting on this post, I would say you work is every bit as good as always...and maybe better!

Karen Jacobs said...

Yes, yes... you're right... motivation can be a fleeting thing, these days just showing up for the work party.

Thank you Seth, two venues seem to be merging lately and I think it's a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs a little time off now and then....I tell myself that all the time lately.

p said...

i would imagine taking a break would feel good. its summer, you have other things going on and maybe you'll find a different rhythm, another segment of something.
god knows you have worked harder than most. whats this I'll try to do better????

Karen Jacobs said...

Well, Paula... maybe fear of letting things slide to the point of no return. Bad habits can be hard to break as I've learned the hard way. I MUST try to do better. Today I was good, btw...