February 09, 2008

You'll Hate Me For This...

Take the Monkey vs Artist test... it's quick but it ain't easy, I missed two out of six and would miss them again. Sorta ties in with my contractor's questionnaire of yesterday's post.


Anonymous said...

yep...me, too...missed two.

Anonymous said...

Weird comments re: modern art on that website. . . and I note your Obama '08 sticker. . . my adult kids are so pumped about him. I'm just happy with either Dem candidate.

Karen Jacobs said...

Had to go back and read the comments... the one from the ape was cute, figured there would be the token derogatory remark as to the validity of abstract art... maybe they could help me sort out some of the problems I tend to set up for myself!

The Obama logo is my political "yard sign." Can't remember being so pumped for the future of our country and beyond. And what an historical situation developing! Can't take my eyes off the process.

Carolyn said...

Hee! I scored 100%. A small victory on a Sunday afternoon.

I'm also excited by Obama's candidacy.

p said...

me too. 100%, that was fun!

Daphne Enns said...

I got 4 out of 6. Ah well.

Kim Hambric said...

I studied and studied those paintings. I noticed a similar "style" among three and pinned those for ape paintings. I was correct. I figured the other three for artist paintings. Something about balance.

I shouldn't brag, however. Much of my work lately seems rather ape-like to me.

Walker said...

nah - that one was easy! anything with recognizable shapes was painted by an artist. The ape had downward strokes and dabs. See?

Martha Marshall said...

Holy crapola, I didn't know you had done this Karen. Really I didn't. I got a link to that same website from a frequent visitor to both of our blogs and this one was not the link she sent me, but the one I ended up on. So I put it in mine last Tuesday! Tooo funny. I hope you don't mind that I copied you.

But it was fun, wasn't it!

Martha Marshall said...

PS - I'm gonna copy you again and put up an Obama widget too! I haven't been this excited about a candidate, ever. Like you, I can't get enough of the play-by-play.

Karen Jacobs said...

It IS funny, Martha... I got the link from Andrew Sullivan's political blog (go figure!) and figured it was probably making the circuit. A Google Alert took me to a forum of the originator where he was noting the sites that had used it... such egos! Go Obama!

Anonymous said...

100% I doubt apes mix paint, have gradations in shapes, or think graphically. Good idea. Now if they ever compare apes to elephants, that might be a challenge.

Karen Jacobs said...

All you 100 percenters are making me look bad! I probably just didn't give it enough time... yeah, that's it, I rushed through without really considering the work in depth... or something...