I've mentioned before that the best advice a mentor ever gave me were the three little words... "Yes, you can!" A phrase I often repeat when I feel my back is against the wall or when I simply don't feel like following through. I've never been big on vanity plates though they are sometimes fun to try to make sense of when stuck in slow traffic, but one year I decided I needed to have my own.
I kept it for a year but always suspected it would be too easy to misinterpret, especially if I made an ill advised lane change in front of the wrong bubba. So now it perches above a window in my studio... reminding me that anything is possible and I can prove it yet again if necessary.
Karen, I love your message. It is sad, really, how that could be misinterpreted. But you are right, and I could have misinterpreted it in the wrong context. Now the special plate has a very special home and reminds you everyday, rather than you reminding others, right? If you are like me, you don't look at your plates when you get in the car. Am I weird?
Thanks for sharing!
OMG! Big hello my friend!!! :) Jan
Talk about a jolt from the past! Hello Janice! Wow! This is the best part of the web, finding good friends lost in the shuffle of the years. We'll talk!
Kim... that phrase acts in so many ways!
I love this license plate - great positive attitude. And good laugh thinking about the possible misinterpretations.
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