So there I was, digging into several stacks of old stored paintings when I realized a large number of the watercolors were abandoned efforts that might benefit from just a little attention. These works were at the tail end of a long commitment to the grass series and I had begun exploring new directions and mediums... they probably just didn't hold my attention any longer... the magic was gone.
So here's the plan... I've always figured that someday I'd take up watercolor again, more as a pastime than a career move. Let's face it, at some point I'm going to prefer sitting to standing and working with sizes under 30" instead of 6' canvases. Why not play around with a few of these unfinished works just to see if there's still a flicker of feeling for the medium. If it goes well I'll show before and after images... but more than likely it will become apparent to me that I gave up on them for very good compositional reasons. But then, maybe time will have given me new visions for new solutions. Some look quite promising, though there is little future for them.

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Same song, different verse... this time with old serigraphs. I've been threating to get all the old SSPs (silk screen prints) properly photographed and put on the archival section of my website, but procrastination runs thick in my veins. But with the spirit of the moment, ie resolutions and all that, I'm going full blower. I won't be tossing any at this point, maybe later when I get to the drawers of old prints that didn't make it to the signing stage... suitable for g-kids to draw on the back, mostly. At some point in my printing marathon I thought it would be a good idea to hold back the first numbered print of each edition... thinking, of course, that they would someday be very valuable *smirk*. Well, I'm glad I did... not that they are valuable to anyone but me. But what a bunch of jolts to the ole memory! Each one has a story and, brace yourselves, I will share a few in due time. Haven't taken a precise count of them but there are easily over a hundred. Man! I'm so impressed!
I've got my work cut out for me!
Part Two...

I've got my work cut out for me!
No time to really read tonight, Karen.......BUT, first thing I thought was "what a treasure trove of collage elements"....especially used with encaustic since they won't repel the wax. But for use with acrylic on canvas or panel as well.
Whatever it would be fun.
That's one reason I have such a 'trove'... years of saving for all those neat projects that never materialized. Guess the collage bug didn't bite very effectively. There will be plenty left should the urge take hold. I have a compulsive need to clear out my storage bins! It's like a deep fog I get lost in...
OUCH! That hurts to see all that art thrown away...but hey, I've done it myself and it sure feels good! R
And the best part is that it's never even missed and there's always more in the making. Yeah! It feels good!
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