2008 - Ballast - 48x36
Lately I feel like the blind squirrel that occasionally finds an acorn. So many works in progress, so few reaching completion. This one, however, posed little problem and made it from start to finish in fair time, considering there are two totally different paintings beneath it, neither having anything to do with the finished product. But a compositional thought came to me that was a bit different from my usual. I was able to hold this thought through the painting... not an easy task for my scattered mind, mind you. Unfortunately, I didn't take the pic until after I'd put the final protective glaze on and the gloss inhibits the detail and skews the colors. I'll retake in better lighting and hope for a clearer shot later.
Ballast might also refer to reason to keep my focus balanced. Next month my Memphis gallery will be making a swing through the area to do a painting exchange with their artists in the SE so I want to have a decent selection for him to choose from. They've been a good rep for me in the few years I've been with them and I need to keep fresh work in their inventory. Of course, I also make treks to Memphis to deliver new work if reason warrants. Whatever it takes to keep me focused and not just moving paint around...
It's beautiful. So few lines this time...not that that is why I like it!
I have just found your blog and am really enjoying your work...and your rants :) Ballast is quite stunning! Maybe it is your breakthrough to completing some of the things you have started...I know that issue all too well.
I will be visiting often.
I love it. That thin vertical line is so compelling, and the weight at the bottom of the piece very satisfying. I could look at this for a long time. I think I will :)
The blind squirrel appreciates ;-) Thanks to all for taking the time to comment. Perhaps the value in this piece is it's simplicity... so hard to stay simple!
That's beautiful, the colors and simplicity, very elegant. And I love the part about two other different paintings underneath! I relate to that.
That is wonderful, Karen. You know I'm a sucker for red anyway! But as Rebecca says, the ghosts of paintings past make it even richer.
Wonderful new painting, Karen. Favorite oranges from my monitor. It IS a different look as it just occurred to me that your emphasis might usually be in the top of a painting...no???
Great piece and a perfect name!
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