December 26, 2007

The Numbers Game...

2007 - The Optimist - 60x36

Tiz the time of year when we self employed types ask ourselves "How's it goin'?" There were times during the year I suspected I was beginning the slide down the slippery slope since checks seemed scarce. I don't regularly check the running balance my database keeps unless I'm really concerned that something's terribly wrong one way or the other. Larger works don't sell as frequently but they can make a surprisingly tidy impact... so perhaps less is, indeed, more.

My numbers made a 33% increase over last year. They are now as good as when Santa Fe was in the mix and with a lot less stress and extra expense involved. Three of my four primary galleries are roughly neck and neck but the fourth more than doubles the others in sales and figures... interesting... that gallery was way out front last year as well. Don't know what the magic is, not spectacular in looks or size, but apparently they know how to move the merchandise. I've been around long enough to know that different markets ebb and flow... and not all at the same time (thank goodness!) If I had any competitive gumption left in me I'd search out some new territory. But not. Unless something delightful falls into my lap, I'm riding the current crop of reps to the finish line.

Other numbers:
2006: 46 paintings inventoried
2007: 42 paintings inventoried

I've had a good year, the best way to show appreciation is to dedicate myself to having another good year... take nothing for granted and remain optimistic...


Martha Marshall said...

Yes, it's a good time to turn one's thoughts to goals for the coming year. Congratulations on a great year, Karen! May you have many more.

And I love that painting!!

MMComstock said...

Wonderful painting, wonderful philosophy.

All the things with which you've been playing, and sometimes struggling, over the last couple of years are coming together, subtly, in synchrony. Your new, back to the future work is so strong, and serenely confident. Fabulous.


Olga Norris said...

Sounds like a good plan.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good year, Karen. No slippery slope for you.

Karen Jacobs said...

Thanks friends... wishing you all a good year ahead as well. KJ

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Karen - found your blog via my friend Bridgette's contemplating the moon - and just wanted to drop a line to say that I love your work. Interesting post about the signature - how it evolves and becomes part of the art piece.
Best wishes for continued success in 2008.

Karen Jacobs said...

Thanks, Karon... I did a double take on your name... my middle name is Lee... aways wished it was spelled Leigh ;-)

Annie B said...

Congratulations! A 33% increase is fantastic! I wish I could be as relaxed as you seem about the running tally. I do a lot of checking along the way, comparing with previous years ... basically fretting.

Karen Jacobs said...

What I neglected to mention, Annie, is that the previous year had been a downer. One of these days I'll play with the numbers over the last ten years and see if there's a norm I could judge by.