October 02, 2007

Two Years And Counting...

2005 - Oil Sketch

Mulling over a few things... don't know what made me think to look back in my blog archives but it must have been serendipity... October marks two years of blogging - journaling - talking to and about myself. Was never able to keep a diary but my website was beginning to look more like a scrapbook than a professional brochure and I was an active participant on several art lists... most of which I've since either signed off or now read in digest form with little input. Blogging rules! Wonder what the next technical communication variation will be? I don't see myself in My Space type venues... this serves my purpose well... whatever that purpose might be.

And speaking of that serendipity... take a quick browse through my October, 2005, entries... mostly pics of my new exercise challenge but what is written there could have been typed this month. Still whining about the same ole thing. Those exercises, btw, relate to the title of this blog... I'd planned to get back into shape with oils by painting and documenting 100 realistic studies (spurred on by Duane Keiser and his painting a day thing... he being the primary motivator* of the venue.) I quickly copped out of the exercise but kept the blog. Funny... I'd sometimes wondered what purpose all those wordy posts would serve, would I ever bother to reread? Maybe even learn from? New project: each month I'll read from the same period two years prior and report if there's anything noteworthy. (Now... y'all don't go gettin' all excited!) Geeze... wish I had be one to keep a diary...

(* Wow! Look at Duane now! A sponsor and everything! And the size of that studio... and that donut!)


Anonymous said...

I took a quick browse through your October '05 entries - really pretty fascinating that we can have such a clear window to such a specific point in time (complete with pictures and illustrations!) right at our fingertips. I've nearly been blogging for a year, so satisfy myself with looking back through my studio notebook for a glimpse of the past.

One of the odd things about me is that I LIKE the feeling of nostalgia... and I can't wait to be able to look back at my blog posts from two years ago!

Martha Marshall said...

Karen, I'm glad you've blogged all this time, and hope you're enjoying it enough to keep going. It really is an inspiration every time I read it. You always get the wheels turning.

Karen Jacobs said...

Agreed, David... although two years isn't that far back in time, it can still mark changes... gradual growth or flash in the pan.

Martha... it was at your insistence that I began adding notes to my images... and haven't shut up yet! Thanks for the kick...

Annette Bush said...

I thought I had commented here. I suppose the gremlins have been at play.

Your blogging encouraged me to begin mine a few months later. You have explained so well the paths you have taken, the struggles your had with directions and process and the exploration of new ideas. Your honest approach to the questions about whether you should slow down just because you're getting older (and the resulting "Hell, no! attitude.") should be adopted by artists of any age.

So, thanks for two great years.

Karen Jacobs said...

Wheeee! This is much more fun than celebrating birthdays! I think I'll just stick to marking time with blogging years ;-) You've got a quality blog, Annette... glad you got it going, looks like a good habit!