September 02, 2007

John T. Scott

As I was skimming and tossing old files the other day (Friday, actually) I often paused on favorites, set their info and pics aside and silently wondered about them. I came across the files of John T. Scott and remembered just a few years ago, the last (and only) time I walked and talked with him. And what brilliant, spontaneous words did I utter? "Wow! I can't believe I'm walking and talking with John Scott!" He gave his deep, resonant laugh and enjoyed the moment with me, assured I was joking with him. Actually, I meant it exactly as it sounded since I'd fallen hard for his work when we first landed in New Orleans in 1986.

This morning I read that he died Saturday morning. He was 67.

I won't attempt to list all his claims to fame... I've linked to plenty of that sort of info, the main thing I remember is that he was an exceptional artist who used his heritage and talent in a most distinguished and beautiful way. He was a leader and teacher who remained within reach. His "Circle Dance: Retrospective" was the last major exhibition at the New Orleans Museum of Art before Katrina hit. I saw it, I have an autographed copy of the book... I think I'll spend some quality time with it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Karen -- I used to be in the Lpaint group -- exhibited in the NIH Met on the Net show if you remember those days! I truly appreciate seeing your work and following your trains of thought. And now, thanks for opening my eyes to John T. Scott -- what a wonderful and inspiring artist.

Karen Jacobs said...

I love it when old e-friends pop up! Of course I remember you Nikole... Canada, right? It was so interesting to follow your art adventures (do I remember a park painting session interrupted by an attack of ants? Um... or something like that ;-) Please bring me up to date via email... would love to catch up with you!

Anonymous said...

You know....not knowing Scott's name but I think he was showing work at the gallery there at the Reanaissace Arts Hotel when I was there one time. The gallery is right downstairs but they have work up all over that hotel.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.