After a certain age, it becomes imperative to either remain on one's feet or sit in an intentional manner. One legged squats while slip sliding in flip flops is not advisable. Damn! I keep forgetting that part! Squatting has long been a neglected part of my stretching routine... like for about 30 or so years. If the spies want my info, just force me to squat and I'll give it up along with my first born and anyone else they want! In other words, I saw stars! I'm okay but my pride is wounded... and my knee isn't any too flexible for the time being.
But hey, we're having a great time with six g-kids in tow. Two start school tomorrow but will be replaced by three big ones driving in later today. Actually two g-kids and a boyfriend... same dif. Moments of sheer exhaustion, but wouldn't trade a minute of it. Other than the need to provide healthy nibbles on a continuous basis, they entertain themselves and are so much easier to care for than a few years ago. They fold clothes, mop floors, rat on each other... well, you know... nobody's perfect. The usual preteen mood swings... we're good...
Might not get a chance for another update (J has them at the Y pool right now.) Will return from NOLA late next week. It won't be the end of our string of company however, it will be nearly September before it's just the two of us again... left with just echoes of good times with good kids...
Did you just say you would give me up for squat?
Whoops... sure sounds like it! But we had some good years!
good for you, a video! whoo hoo
looked like fun, glad you are having a great summer.
(you really saw stars? when you squatted?)
My flexibility is limited to mental exercises... I don't physically fold very well... especially in the knees. If you are young and flexible, work to keep it that way! My exercise of choice has always been walking. Lost the ability to squat and could never regain it. Yes... big time stars!
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