April 27, 2007

Retail Therapy

Bokusho - Kae (change) 42x60
Had a slight melt down yesterday, a pity party for no real reason. Guess it's possible that being pulled in multiple directions does take it's toll, no matter the positive thinking and repeated mantras of "I can do this!" A nap helped, then a bit of retail therapy sweetened the day. I find great satisfaction in '75% off bottom price' sales, especially when found at one of my fav stores such as Pier 1. Bags full of pillows, rugs and other accessories accompanied me out the door for a pittance. Now, don't think for a minute that I have a passion for shopping, I only indulge when there's no other choice. But the re-do of the lake house demands a certain amount of hunting and gathering so might as well make it interesting with a 'below cost' scavenger hunt. So far, we're getting mostly new stuff at garage sale prices. Now THATS FUN!

Another mood altering perk is that I've finished the last painting for the Memphis show... the biggie above which was quite a wrestling match for way too long. The photo isn't picking up the 'drama' going on in lower right corner... in person it works better, I think. I gave up on the deconstruction piece mentioned a few posts ago... just didn't have the time to mess with it intelligently. One day I will, but with renewed enthusiasm and not because I need it on some inventory list. There are enough paintings for this show, and in fact, probably more than really necessary. I'll tell them to pick and choose so it hangs cohesively... they don't have to use them all. I'd rather see a bit of wall space around them anyway. I'll deliver on Tuesday and go back on Friday for the opening. This time next week, my motivation will be free to roam. At least for awhile. Still have obligations for new work in several places... but I can do that...


p said...

nice piece karen, REALLY NICE. looks like ancient fabric that was found in a crypt.
good luck with your show!

Karen Jacobs said...

Thanks, I like surfaces that look like they've been around for awhile... crypts would give that look ;-)

Rebecca Crowell said...

Yes I wish I could see it in person, it looks very rich even so. I like the red/dark (black?) contrasts against the neutral areas. Congrats on being ready for your show! Will look forward to blog pics after your opening.

Joanie Gagnon San Chirico said...

I love, love, love the way you made the right edge look like it was rotted away. Yes, crypts and catacombs, we're a pair, aren't we?

Karen Jacobs said...

Thanks for the positive comments... after a long battle with this painting, your approval is appreciated. Will be glad to move on to something else for awhile.

Martha Marshall said...

Wish I could attend your Memphis opening. Hope you have some pictures to share! Good wishes for a fabulous show.