March 21, 2007

Ah, Spring!

1991 - Azalea Row - 11x15 - watercolor
Had to go looking for a suitable painting and found this watercolor from years ago. Azaleas were made for watercolor... any other medium just would be too much.

The best medicine for me was a day at the lake with dogwoods in full riot and azaleas coming on fast and strong. J tried driving the van down to the boathouse... which went without a hitch, but the return trip was a combo of too much hill and not enough traction. We got to know our neighbors better, however... the good, helpful kind that show up just when you need them!

To the studio... must avoid Spring Fever!

(Your sister claimed this one years ago, Joe)

1 comment:

Olga Norris said...

Watercolours do just capture the exuberance of Spring, especially this year as we are having quite a lot of water with our sunshine.