July 04, 2006


Comments indicate interest as to how I'll go about sizing the rice paper, so that prompts this post. Since there are so many interruptions this weekend/month/summer that thinking about it is about as much as I can accomplish, why not? Will probably simply coat the paper with watered down acrylic medium, perhaps tint it in the process since I want to try some monochrome interpretations of the same process, that would be a good start. I've done this before, but it was on sized paper... results should be similar. Fortunately, my art making process encourages less-than-perfect effects so I won't have to worry about variations that occur. I just need to worry about getting it done!

Our Independence Day celebration will be a simple cook-out with daughter and g-kids... the big family reunion is not until mid July so we're saving our energy for that. My job is to be sure there's food for all for four days... yikes!


meno said...

That's a lot of food!

I just took a peek at some of your work. I love the river series. If i ever make it to the south, i'll try and find one of the galleries that shows your work.

Happy 4th

Olga Norris said...

This could be quite an interesting experiment - a kind of batik in a way. My own abiding memory of sizing is way back from university days when I worked backstage in the opera group, and it was huge lengths of calico which we sized to make sets and backcloth. I still remember the smell after 40 years!

Good luck with your work, once you get back to it. Happy holiday.

Anonymous said...

You can coat it some of it with clear gelatin to see if that sizes it enough to then just accept glazes.
Have fun.

Martha Marshall said...

Since our week end was a family/friends reunion of sorts, all I can say is buy lots of strong Hefty bags!!! Long nights of poker at our house put us over the recycle bin capacity in short order.

Looking forward to more of your paper experiments.