March 05, 2006

Mapping It...

WHERE is the time going? I've only been in the studio to sort through materials suitable for packing while diptych canvases hang with the hurt look of neglected twins... no way will they be finished for mid March, unless there's a big change in focus around here!

Maps lead to more maps... new websites suggest even more maps, trying to keep notes, picture the whole of it, and the printer is beginning to whine with overuse. But, hey! I sure know a lot more this week than I did a short while ago. The arrow points to Lake Montbel (enlarge to see better) and Ste Colombe is on the southern tip of it, actually on the river l'Hers, which runs through the village.

Okay, I gotta get up and move around... too much time spent in research! (for today...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can say that again.....I'm spending waaaay too much time on the computer and thinking about what I'll take. Should be painting.