March 17, 2006

Cathar, The Painting...

2006, Cathar, 70x60, mixed mediaTwofers! Although it's signed and in the process of being final coated, there's always a chance that the brush will attack yet again. Something about seeing the digital brings out other possibilities... it could go on and on. But I expect it to be picked up early next week. I think the title fits... the painting seems to have a rugged sense of fortitude about it. Expect more titles from the hills of France... and maybe even Spain, should I venture so far.


Annette Bush said...

I can't wait to see what you do with France..

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of titling some collage a few years ago, "Land of the Cathars". There is much to influence us on the trip to France.

Martha Marshall said...

Well, Karen, I love it as is. But I trust your brush and your judgment!

Walker said...

Karen -
That is an absolutely fantastic painting! Robin

MMComstock said...

Luscious, Karen. Rich and enveloping. If Dan'l ever visits Birmingham, you can toss something at him, but don't toss the barn red--it's fabulous.
