I'm supposed to be cleaning out my storage room... a narrow, unfinished area near my studio, dedicated to storing old paintings, wrapping and shipping materials and a few shelves of assorted miscellanea . And here I found the remnants of a decade or so (80's and 90's) of showing my stuff... on two levels, those being art festivals (mostly outdoor, weekend affairs) and slide entry shows on National and International levels. I earned signature membership in a number of watercolor societies, right up to NWS, had a painting accepted in AWS (the pinnacle of w/c shows) but, like Groucho once said... "I don't want to belong to a club that would have me for a member." Actually, I'd proven I could do it and wrapped up that segment of my career. Competition on both levels was excellent preparation for 'the rest of my life' as a gallery artist. It validated my work and my confidence as well.
wow Karen - a whole box full of ribbons! I skipped that step in my career, I guess....
Of course you skipped it... your set your sights on much more interesting goals than hot/dusty or cold/rainy weekend shows. So many different paths and options. Those ribbons are good for memories but not much else... I took the pic because at some point they will morph into trash and my memory will need prodding.
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