Archives - 1995 - Re-Measure - 40 x 30
(sure wish I had a better photo of this old favorite)
The Facebook profile page features a dialog box that begs you to enter some statement about what you are doing... just a few words spoken in the third person, sounding not a little bit hoity-toity. This morning I entered: "Karen will go to Starbucks for painting supplies today... it's a long story." So here's the rest of that story...(sure wish I had a better photo of this old favorite)
When I headed home from the Point Gibson paint-out last month, I neglected to load my two small canvas bags of watercolor paints and papers. My friend/host was planning a trip and would be passing through my fair city, so we could meet for coffee and she would bring my paint bags... and that's how Starbucks entered into it.
But what makes this noteworthy is my realization of how starved I am for good, real-time art conversation! My friend brought along a Sean Scully book she'd picked up at a museum exhibition in Ft Worth and wanted to talk about his paintings... man, it was like the dam broke! I rattled on, pro and con, about his work for a full five minutes before letting her get a word in edgewise! Like I'd crawled out of the desert and found water!
So... gotta do something about that! And my first new year's resolution... leave paint supplies everywhere I go and hope they'll be delivered along with a few minutes of good artsy conversation! Um... I'll keep working on other options...
Well........you just come to colony every now and then...get a whole week's worth of talk time in.
I've already sent a note to Tina and Byron to be sure I get a brochure for spring... had decided a while back that I needed to get back in the Colony habit...
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