July 06, 2008

Prime Time...

Artistic effort covers a lot of territory... in this case it involves lumber... lots of it. The red strap lying on the boards was a rig I made to help shift the weight of two heavy planks from hands to shoulders as I dragged two at a time downhill. That was the easy part... going back up the hill for another load was the killer! Gotta think of a better way to get up and down that hill which gets steeper every year.

J finished the main part in time for the Forth of July... more artful creating (earth sculpture) will involve the moving of dirt, planting of monkey grass and lots of pine straw (which will be gathered from uphill and dragged down as it's collected.) Plus the creative arrangement of flagstones someone donated to the cause a long time ago... who knew I'd still be arranging them so many years later? Old pictures show a well manicured space... now we just want to keep the jungle at bay.

So many projects... so little time. Or maybe time just doesn't stretch as far as it once did... or maybe it's energy (fuel) that's gotten so scarce. But we plod along, and thanks to J's focused determination, things get done. I should be so focused in the studio... but it's summertime, g-kids are coming and going, this is prime time... 'nuff said.


Anonymous said...

Wooooah. Looks like more work and just as much fun as what we're doing at the farm. I, also, feel the pain on all the physical part....but guess it does us good, if it doesn't kill us.

Back home after 4 1/2 days away.

Karen Jacobs said...

Fun following your farm adventures, Cheryl, seems we're pretty much on the same path... but looks like you're preparing to move in eventually. We have to "go home" after a couple of days to recover and get in shape for the next work/play session. But like you say, good for us if we keep up with it...

p said...

looks like good hard work
i'm impressed!
have fun karen...good summer to you.

Daphne Enns said...

I love the shape of your dock/deck!