March 11, 2008


2008 - Guyed - 42 x 56

So much happening on the home front! But it's Spring, so what else is new? This is what we've been waiting all dreary winter for, right? Daffodils to push up and bloom (or not, as they choose,) azalea buds to swell and show color, camellias to litter themselves all over the ground and that's okay. Dogwoods, however, could show a little energy and really make me happy!

We're trying to get the lakehouse in shape for a half dozen artist friends to visit next week... now if J would stop with the sawdust, I might stand a chance of getting the place under control! This would be my monoprint group from Louisiana and Mississippi (somewhere along the way one of us designated ourselves as the "'MissLaBamas"... and you've heard me go on about the camaraderie while making really great art! We'll be playing around with encaustic prints at the lake... will post a report after the fact. Anyway, they arrive on Sunday and will stay through mid-week. I'll have a few days to gather myself before hitting the road to NOLA on Easter Sunday to bring four g-kids back for the week. At the end of that week their parents PLUS older son and family in Arkansas will arrive for a long weekend of fun and games. Please direct any left over positive energy my way for good weather!

Now... with all this on the table you'd think I'd be focused... but... looks like my search for a new local gallery is bearing fruit. I'm very excited about the prospects and look forward to reporting good news soon. There's just nothing quite like Spring...


Anonymous said...
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Andrea and Kim said...

You are a busy woman, Karen! But it all sounds like good fun, too! I just wanted to say the joy in your post comes through loud and clear!

Have Fun! And I wish for you the grandest of weather the entire time!

Daphne Enns said...

Have great visits in the next few weeks Karen.

As always, I love your newest painting. I want to be just like you when I grow up. OR maybe when my children grow up!

Karen Jacobs said...

I can tell y'all are feeling the sweet surge of spring as well! Note the title of the featured painting... think guy wires, or being tethered in place. Kids (and many other factors) can do that to you... and that's a good thing for as long as it lasts. They secure you in a proper position so you can perform at your best. But, pardon my rambling analogy, when those wires (responsibilities) are removed, the sky's the limit! Well... guess that can be argued all kinds of ways, but maybe you see my point...

Mary Richmond said...

oh this sounds like so much fun. Makes me think I should call a few artist friends and plan a similar thing before our crazy summer sets in. Have fun. Love the painting (print>) too

Anonymous said...

Good weather vibes are coming your way from Texas, Karen. I could use a few myself as I get tired of cloudy days.

Walker said...

LOVE that painting, Karen! And I doubt any smart gallery owner would let you walk away without grabbing up that fantastic work of yours. Have fun at the art party!

Olga Norris said...

Great about the prospects of a new gallery.

I love this piece of work. It looks calm, and yet it is full of positive activity too. Wonderful.

The dogwoods will get going soon. Have fun with everything else.

Martha Marshall said...

Karen, it's fun hearing happy anticipation on a gorgeous Alabama spring in your voice. I'm sort of envious, don't ya know.

That painting reminds me of flying in low over red clay fields!! Ahhhhh, home!

Good luck with the gallery.

p said...

this is interesting..i like how unbalanced mentally it feels. not sure that is a compliment in your eyes, but i mean it so.
its architectural and musical...strings and where this is going if you do more.

Ro Bruhn said...

I've just discovered your blog, what amazing paintings, I adore your work.

Joy Logan said...

LOVE this piece it's all my colors that I love. (Try as I may to use others.)