We went to NorDys Gallery's final opening last night... and I didn't take my camera!!! I did make it back for another visit today and couldn't resist capturing the above bar set-up. Can't say there wasn't a captive audience in front of my work all evening!
The crowd was spectacular, a really good show of support and friendship including many red dots! The very large space was chock full of art, hanging and leaning on the walls, propped on tables, the back room bins were open (another third of the total gallery space... ) and very easy to browse the 20% discounted work in spite of being shoulder to shoulder. At one point in the evening the owner's young daughter arrived for an appearance. I hadn't seen her since she was crib size but here was the most beautiful child you can imagine. Thick waves of blond hair and big blue eyes that made your heart melt! She was on her caretakers's hip and I couldn't help following them into the office where her mother was... writing out a receipt for the sale of one of my paintings! Talk about serendipity! Nice to talk with the new owners, a rare plus. Maybe if I went to more openings... worked my ability to remember names and other social techniques... my bad!
Today I also dropped off a few paintings at Loretta Goodwin Gallery, they will pick more work from my studio later when things settle down a bit. I expect I'll have much more to say about the new relationship but for now, just know I'm delighted with the opportunity, this gallery has been in business for thirty some years, though with a new owner the last few. But the reputation is established and the ambiance is comfortable and welcoming. And... the artist/owner seems to especially like my Bokusho series... I can deal with that!
well how nice to hear, i'm jealous, i can't help it, but glad for everyone ~ especially you.
i'm thrilled to hear a gallery owner loves your bokusho work. its about time.
Nice gallery, Karen. Congratulations. I'd wondered if that was the one you mentioned earlier. I'm so sorry Nancy had to close. It must be heartbreaking for her as well.
Congratulations! Glad you made the connection with Loretta Goodwin's. I was with Loretta in the early days when she was located behind the pool furniture in her (I think) brother-in-law's store. She loved it and really made it work. Speaking of being bad: After we moved several times, I quit sending her new stuff and eventually just lost the relationship. I think the new owners are doing some good stuff, so you'll be well taken care of. Good luck.
so glad you have another gallery in town. They are so lucky to have you. I am getting better very slowly.Have never been closer to walk in front of a bus as last week. Is the lake nice in July? I think I would be up to a trip by then (I hope) if no more allergic reations, I will be ready, maybe even take some pastels to sketch, and Doug will have his cameras.
Linda S.
Wishing you the best of luck with the new gallery!
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