March 31, 2008

It's Been Fun...

Our normal routine tends to plod along at a slow-to-reasonable pace but lately we've been playing serious catch-up! First a couple of g-kids on spring break were in-house for five days, then the whole family showed up at the lake house for the weekend. That would be eight adults, seven kids and two dogs. We tested the limits of the old house and found it worthy... that is until the last morning when multiple showers and flushings caused minor flooding in the downstairs bath... probably roots in the lines or something. Every such gathering needs a bit of excitement to wind it up. A great time was had by all... we're about six or so hours equal-distance from each other so these events don't happen often enough...

The Evidence:

I've got designs on this hammock later this summer...

Remember the pots the kids painted last summer as checker pieces? We've just got tape down for the checker board at this point but it proved to be so popular we'll have to paint it in... the dogs enjoyed being part of the game...

A kayak, a pedal boat and a row boat in use... we have two small sailboats but the water is still to cold to risk 'beginner's luck'... they'll be in action later in the summer!

View from the deck...

Everyone took turns with the swing chairs... a real hit! I also have plans for swing time!

Area with most traffic... kitchen!


And now... where was I???


Joe said...

And we all lived to tell about it.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a really good time for everyone......I've also got dubs on a swing on the east porch outside the bedroom sometime later.

Curry had spring break two weeks in a row at the farm...he's kinda lost this week with everyone back in school.

Martha Marshall said...

What fun!! It's great to get all of them together, dogs and all. Makes you appreciate the quiet and the hammock time later on.

Karen Jacobs said...

Looking forward to some down time... maybe by next week things will return to normal...