March 22, 2008

The Camera Angle...

I'm a compulsive photo taker and as mentioned in an earlier post, I had recently upgraded my pocket dc to an even smaller and slicker little job. I don't require super high quality, just fairly good pics of my paintings and lots of memory spurring photos along the way. The first day of our encaustic print workshop, I was just beginning to get the hang of all the new camera could do when... aw geeze... I really hate telling this part... it slipped out of my pocket and into rushing water. Um... a flushing toilet! Dead! Immediately and totally... dead! I'm so ashamed!

My friends (when they stopped laughing) assured me they would share their photos and they did, but I felt useless without a camera. So I checked out Walmart to see what they had in the cheap, make-do variety and came back with a little Olympus that was fun and easy to use. I didn't buy a card for it and just used the built in memory, wanting to wait until I knew I'd be keeping it. That hampered multiple photo taking so I still don't have the kind of record I like to have. Anyway, on checking the web reviews when I returned home... I knew it really wasn't what I needed. So that camera will go back to the store and I'll start over.

I did get a few photos while in learning mode with the new little camera. The two pics here pretty much show how we used the space. There were four 'stoves' or hot boxes for the encaustic prints, two on the kitchen counters and two on the other side of the bar. We also made room for two watercolor tables across the room.

Don't expect to see examples of my prints because even after years of encaustic paintings I could not get enthused with the wax print process, gave up and sold my stove to Keith, who took to it like a duck to water! She'll do great! I did a few watercolors since I really do want to pick them up again... they were once my primary medium but it's been a long time. Will post some recent work down the road.


Nancy Natale said...

Hi Karen,
I just happened to see your post about your encaustic workshop. Sorry about your camera and hope you find a replacement. Just wanted to say, Go Obama! I'm very enthusiastic about him but feeling lately that the deep-seated racism people have (and this is Massachusetts) will prevent his candidacy. I hope I'm wrong as I think he could really not only restore the country but move it ahead. I'm daring to hope!
Best, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Karen -- when I bought my digital I was frustrated that I couldn't get one of those cases that hangs around your neck WITH the camera looped through it. That's what I used with my 35mm camera. I don't feel at ease even with it looped around my wrist. The salesman told me that people usually keep the camera in a pocket. I said, "I'm afraid I'll drop it." He said, "Don't drop it." You have my sympathy!

Anonymous said...

I love my little Canon Elph SD850 IS...gotta strap you can put around your wrist or it will fit in pockets, too. The IS is great for little cameras as the smaller the shakier my pics turn out it seems. It has 7 Megapixels I think and should be cheaper now they have a newer model.

Wish I had one of those hot boxes. I think FIne Art Supply is going to start making them in agreement with an artist. Or that is what they told me when I met them recently in Dallas at a show opening. If you know of anyone else wanting to sell theirs, let me know.

p said...

sorry about the camera!