November 30, 2007

The New Museum

I've been to NYC three times in my life. The first trip was as a chaperon for my oldest son's sixth grade class (traveling out of the DC area back in the mid 70's.) So that took care of the touristy highlights... it was a trip, believe me! And I've noted, if not recounted, my third and last NYC trip was with e-friends to see the Christo Gates in Central Park, also very special and worth a full post with lots of pics.

But I don't think I've mentioned the second/middle trip.The reason I bring it up is that the New Museum has opened with a building that challenges Frank Gehry's sensibilities... I'll withhold critique until I've seen it in person, which may be awhile. But I want to review my memories of the original New and the night I visited:

An evening opening sometime in the early '80's... looked more like a gallery than a museum... probably not too long in operation but it's name could be confusing me here. I was with a group of local artists who had flown up together to be escorted around by former local artist residing in NYC and who picked up extra bucks guiding visiting artists in this manner. Here's the history that covers the time when I visited... almost expected to see myself in that photo, looks very familiar. I remember wall to wall people, art I didn't get and the feeling that I was way out of my element but it was all very exciting, no matter. However my strongest memory of the evening came later...

There was a young man in our group who was about the age of my kid-in-the-Navy and when it was time to make our way back to the hotel, we elected to take cabs rather than risk the subway at 10pm. As our group climbed into the last cab it became obvious that the kid wouldn't fit... he was prepared to take the subway alone but I wouldn't have it, climbed out and headed to the nearest subway entrance with him. Me... at a time when NYC was not as tourist friendly as it is today... me, not knowing any better but not about to ride off without that kid. Of course, we made it back to the hotel just fine (despite the dire consequences suggested by the ladies in the cab.) Don't even remember the kid's name but I do recall we chatted nervously, each glad to be with the other for that long trip back to the hotel.

Will have to recount the whole adventure down the road... after I find my notes on the trip... it was a super-duper adventure I will always remember... hope I haven't tossed those that bag of info!

But back to the New Museum... do check out this introduction... take the tour. I owe myself another NYC trip to check it out. Maybe I'd understand the art a little better this time.


Anonymous said...

I'd love to go to New York again soon!! May be a warmer redo of the
Gates trip.

Now kneedeep in remodeling, sleeping on a mattress in the dining room..
Linda S.

Karen Jacobs said...

Hey gal! Let's do it! Might require staying in touch a bit better ;-) Good to hear from you!

Peter @ Enviroman said...


Thanks for leaving a comment in my post Build traffic tip: Set "send ping" to "yes". I have responded to your comment.

Peter Blog*Star
Blogger for Dummies

Anonymous said...

Hey........don't forget me, I've never been to NYC even one time yet.

Karen Jacobs said...

Sounds like a group is forming... doubt if Peter really wants to go...

Anonymous said...

Just let me trip I think is to DC in April.

Annette Bush said...

Linda, the mattress is probably more comfortable than Jeannine's sofa in NYC! I'm ready to go again, too. I think these babies can survive having me away for a week or so.

Cheryl, Is the DC trip before you go to Italy!?! Lots of travel time for lucky you.

Karen, Nice post today.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...about a month before. Then there is Colony at the end of April but I'm afraid I just can't be gone three trips in a row. :>/

Karen Jacobs said...

Let it be known that Annette has already done her time on the sofa! Next time she gets a real bed in a room with a door! Heh! Fun times... but then I had a real bed.

Joe said...

I'm thinking that the kid my age at the time (I guess he still is my age, too bad) might have had other ideas for the evening but I'm still glad you got him back safely.

Karen Jacobs said...

Rats, Joe! Ya think? Sorry 'bout that, Kid, whoever you are. At least the hotel was in a better part of town so I still did a good thing. Y'know how moms are...