A perfectly delightful evening! The show was beautifully hung, enthusiastically appreciated, and well attended. I arrived early to meet a collector, stayed late and never once thought about sitting down during the five hours on concrete! So nice to meet many who already know my work, own some or anticipate the possibility.
I understand it's been reviewed so will hold my breath. Nancy, the owner, and her trusty assistant, Kim, always put on a good show, Nancy's husband is a caterer and Kim's fills in as bartender, so it's a smooth operation. The gallery is large and accommodates many works without feeling crowded or sparse, it was a good looking show! I arrived early, stayed late and never once thought about sitting down during the five hours on concrete! So nice to meet many who already know my work, own some or anticipate the possibility.
My daughter-the-photographer-with-a-real-camera will give me a CD of photos she took but the above will give an idea of the layout, though not all paintings show... did the best I could in a hurry.
Enjoyed a great visit with old friend Byron Myric and his lovely wife... couldn't help buying another of his wonderful raku pots. They really worked well with the paintings. Our design processes are very similar and the work played off each other perfectly.
Congratulations, it really does look beautiful. I wish i could see it.
Hope you enjoyed a glass of wine.
Awesome! Very exciting to see many of the pieces you had been previously working on. So nice to see a large gallery space! So many galleries now are so small and crowd the work. Are they going to be up on your web site in the future so I can 'research' them further? BTW that landscape below is very impressive!
Congratulations! The show looks wonderful. Every wall looks interesting and well compsed. I hope to see larger images soon. The gridded pieces have a fiber/quilt art look to the composition. But the immediacy of your brushstrokes is evident even in the small images here. Isn't it wonderful that your earlier worries about lasting 3 hours were trivial. You lasted 5 hours with joy.
Congratulations--yes this looks like a very beautiful show...rich in texture, pattern, color, contrast--all my favorite things! By the way, what gallery is this again? I'm sure you have said before but I don't see it skimming through your last couple of posts.
I can just imagine the lush texture and layers in these pieces if they are at all like the large vertical in the second photo. It is so interesting to see where those little squares hanging on the line in France wound up! However, my favorite is the long horizontal piece (in the photo with the food!)
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