July 19, 2006

What-a Family!

One word... exhausted! No, one more word... contented! We had a great family reunion, had lots of fun both here and at the lake where we wore ourselves out with boating and water fun. It was worth the exhaustion for sure, we all got to know the new additions to family (half of the blue shirts) and it we're happy campers. It will take a day or so (and a dozen or so wash loads) to get back into art mode... I do look forward to returning to a productive routine. BTW, 19 yr old cousin Lauren was welcomed back after a year in Belgium with a big sign on front lawn... with a bucket of water balloons hidden behind it... the younger cousins were all over that plan!


Jacie Wiggs said...

Everyone is a ham I see, ha! ha! Hey Karen, you really did most excellent work with those T-shirts!

Annette Bush said...

Great to see Lauren back in the fold. The family looks happy, if goofy!

Anonymous said...

great looking family, Karen. glad Lauren is back in the fold after her adventure.

meno said...

Great picture, looks like fun was had by all.

Karen Jacobs said...

Yes, good to all be together again, the four days were perfect, it's a good group. And the t-shirts with names went over big, and turned out to be easier to do as I went along... didn't even need to pre-plan. And only one name placed on the wrong color which meant running back to the store for another shirt. KJ

Tracy Helgeson said...

Looks like so much fun. It's so nice to hear of families who LIKE to get together!