June 26, 2006

Take A Deep Breath... Exhale

Square Steps, 48x40, oil, 1994

Ummmm... where was I? Monday morning fog of uncertainty hangin'round. Oh, yes... this was the week I'd planned to return to regular aerobics at the Y after allowing some healing time for the 'itis' in my heel. Put on a pair of jeans worn just weeks ago and they are way snug, not fashionably snug, unflatteringly snug... but uncomfortably snug as well. The day is full of errands so I could put it off (again) but the week is gonna be full as well (an 'errand' includes another art hauling trip, this time to Memphis) so maybe I'd best hunt up my march-in-place togs and do something about this growing SITuation I find myself in.

This painting from the past serves to remind me to take more steps... nag, nag, nag...


Jacie Wiggs said...

Love this one Karen! It actually reminds me of the white Guston I was just talking about it my blog -only (please forgive me Philip)more interesting and well.. much better!

Okay if you go to the Y, I will get on my bicycle, deal, I must, Oh the procrastination!

Karen Jacobs said...

Yes, Philip would cringe! But thanks. I didn't make the Y but I did walk a mile plus, and on these hills that a good up and down hike. So go find your bike!

Martha Marshall said...

I like this piece, Karen!

Too funny that we both wrote about the same subject today! I made it to the Y and it felt sooooo good! Not the dragging home that I had feared. Thanks for being an inspiration to get up and do it again tomorrow!
